„Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean“ work history
„Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean“ is a piece by Lithuanian composer Gediminas Gelgotas (born 1986). Completed in 2011 „Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean“ is one of the few music examples „with an experimental nature which features contemporary styles of youth culture“ (Baltic Youth Philharmonic brochure, 2013). In this score the composer annotates also minimalistic choreographies which the musicians have to perform during the piece; as much as turns, body spins of the soloist, body movements of the orchestra musicians and others. Gelgotas wrote also the lyrics of the piece, which are a stilistic element in his composition: „You are about to create, but if to say the truth, there is no creation there, it is not new, because no You is there. Your identity comes not from looking to others. No lie, no personalities, no repetition, no ego exists when You create.“ The words are to be performed by the musicians while playing in a manner close to rapping and it includes also their singing while playing their instruments.
Originally the piece was composed for an instrumental ensemble (trumpet, two voices, piano and double bass) and commissioned by a festival „Opus XXI“ (France). The work is published by Peermusic Classical.
„Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean“ had its premiere in Avignon, France, August 2011. Later that year it was arranged for string ensemble and hence Gediminas Gelgotas and NI&Co ensemble are performing this version of the piece in their various concerts at festivals in Europe and in the USA.
„Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean“ version for symphony orchestra
„Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean“ is often performed in its version for symphony orchestra. Commissioned by Kristjan Järvi, conductor of the Baltic Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, this work had its German premiere during the Young Euro Classics festival at the Konzerthaus Berlin in August 2012. The solo violin part was played by Lithuanian artist Dalia Simaška, member of NI&Co ensemble. Afterwards the leading German music paper Neue Musikzeitung (nmz) described Gediminas Gelgotas’ work no less than “a sensation“.
The symphonic performances by Kristjan Järvi and the BYPO add to: Young Euro Classics Music Festival, Berlin Konzerthaus (2012); Gothenburg open-air concert (2012); Kaliningrad Cathedral (2013); Moscow International House of Music (2013); Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, opening concert at the Kieler Schloss (2013) (a live recording of this event was broadcast by German ARD, the world‘s second largest public TV and radio station); Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival, Elmshorn Reithalle (2013); Venice Scuola Grande di San Rocco (2013). In February 2014, BYPO announced that „Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean“ for symphony orchestra is going to be performed at Beethoven Festival in Bonn and during their concerts in Milan and Verona (Italy.)
On 1 September 2013, „Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean“ for symphony orchestra was broadcast by 8 radio stations in Germany: NDR Kultur, Nordwestradio, Kulturradio, MDR Figaro, WDR3, HR2, SR2 Kulturradio, SWR2 – all at the same time, 8:05PM.
A recording of this concert was made by BYPO, Dalia Simaška and Kristjan Järvi at the Danish Radio Koncerthuset (Copenhagen) in 2012 and is available on CD on ITunes.
„Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean“ version for violin and piano
In 2013, „Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean“ arranged for violin and piano was premiered at the 20th International Johannes Brahms Chamber Music Competition by Lithuanian duo Augusta Jusionytė (violin) and Eglė Andrejevaitė (piano). Their performance was awarded the Special Jury Prize for the outstanding performance of a contemporary composition.
Concert Reviews
“The new composition by the Lithuanian composer Gediminas Gelgotas caused a sensation!“ Neue Musikzeitung (nmz), August 2012
„Unter der mitreißenden Leitung des amerikanischen Dirigenten Kristjan Järvi, Spross der estnischen Spitzenmusiker-Dynastie, wird durch die Kinder der Revolutionäre ein herrlich rockendes Fanal der Erinnerung daraus, auf das jüngere Komponisten, wie der im Schloss anwesende Gediminas Gelgotas Bezug nehmen können. In seinem überraschend an den Beginn des zweiten Konzertteils gerückten, erst 2012 uraufgeführten Stück Never Ignore The Cosmic Ocean gerät die geballte Jugend an den Pulten sogar verbal und zum Teil halbszenisch rappend so sehr an den Siedepunkt ihres Wir-sind-die-Ostsee-Feelings, dass es überall blubbert, rauscht und mächtige Wellen schlägt. So unverkrampft kann Neue Musik sein.“ Kieler Nachrichten, C. Strehk, 2013
„It was fantastic original music – I was completely blown away! We need to support that kind of musical entrepreneurism. Not only because they have incredible original concepts and fantastic music, but also because they have the willingness and passionate energy to go out and be noticed.“ Exberliner, Kristjan Järvi, 2012
„His compositions are overall aesthetic art, experimental, often multimedia or audio visual set the scene and speak through the inclusion of elements of youth culture especially to a younger audience. His work ‘Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean’ contains some rap – a piece made for the lively Baltic Youth Philharmonic and his equally young and dynamic principal conductor Kristjan Järvi.“ Germany-North, 2013
„Wir haben gerade heute das Stück “Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean” eines wunderbaren Komponisten geprobt. Sein Name ist Gediminas Gelgotas, er stammt aus Litauen und hat dieses Jahr ein Stück für uns geschrieben, das wirklich einzigartig und wundervoll ist. Wir werden dieses Stück am Samstag, den 11. August, in Berlin uraufführen.“ Järvi in an interview with Robert Jungwirth, 2012
„This afternoon’s concert has all the vital energy that comes with being young and as well as standard orchestral content there’ll be a great short piece ‘Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean’ by Gediminas Gelgotas who was born in Vilnius, Lithuania in 1986 and the Third Symphony by Estonian composer Erkki-Sven Tüür (born 1959).“ ABC – Australia‘s public broadcaster, 2012
„Spannend und aufregend wurde es dann mit den jungen, wilden Komponisten aus dem Baltikum. Und einer davon war sogar in Elmshorn anwesend: der 1986 geborene Litauer Gedminas Gelgotas, der unter anderem auch an der Musikhochschule in Hamburg studiert hat. Musik mit einer Friedens-und Freiheitsbotschaft mit dem Thema „Never ignore the Cosmic Ocean“ aus dem tiefsten Inneren seiner Gefühle, gesprochen von den Musikern, beeindruckte – war sie doch auch mit ganz viel Humor gespickt.“ Heinke Ballin, Uetersen Nachrichten, 2013
„So der junge Litauer Gediminas Gelgotas und sein „Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean“. In der hier zu hörenden Fassung für Symphonieorchester gilt es als Uraufführung. Ein sehr rhythmisches Stück, verführerisch vorangetrieben von der blonden Ersten Geigerin. Järvi und die Seinen legen sich ins Zeug, und der anwesende Komponist wird anschließend vom Publikum gefeiert.“ Ursula Wiegand, online Merker, 2012
„Und wenn sich die Sologeigerin bei der Uraufführung von Gediminas Gelgotas poppigem, aber nicht billigem „Never Ignore the Cosmic Ocean“ aus der hinteren Reihe aufs Podium stürzen darf und wenn durch Rotation zwischen den Pulten mehr Demokratie gewagt wird, macht auch dies Lust, dem Nachwuchs in seine Zukunft zu folgen.“ Carsten Niemann, Der Tagesspiegel, 2012
„The minimalistic composition reflects his consistent way of personally dealing with intellectual worlds and creative processes.“ Baltic Youth Philharmonic brochure, 2012
„Gediminas Gelgotas’s compositions are aesthetic Gesamtkunstwerke with an experimental nature which feature contemporary styles of youth culture, often brought onto the stage in a multimedia-based way“ Baltic Youth Philharmonic brochure, 2013